Weekly update

Global EV Outlook, Bejing Auto Show, Amazon, LG, Google, Opel

Post from April 26, 2024

Post from April 26, 2024

Weekly update

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published a steady growth forecast for the electric vehicle market in 2024 in its annual "Global EV Outlook." Researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have developed a hybrid sodium-ion battery, Amazon has become the largest private operator of electric vehicle charging stations in the U.S., Google has introduced new features in Google Maps designed to make it easier for EV drivers to find charging stations, and all the latest from the Beijing Auto Show in Beijing – these are our topics for week 17 of the year 2024.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published a steady growth forecast for the electric vehicle market in 2024 in its annual "Global EV Outlook." Researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have developed a hybrid sodium-ion battery, Amazon has become the largest private operator of electric vehicle charging stations in the U.S., Google has introduced new features in Google Maps designed to make it easier for EV drivers to find charging stations, and all the latest from the Beijing Auto Show in Beijing – these are our topics for week 17 of the year 2024.

Weekly update

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released a stable growth forecast for the electric vehicle market in 2024 in its annual "Global EV Outlook." The IEA anticipates that despite short-term challenges in some markets, the number of electric vehicles on the road will continue to rise sharply. With current policies, by 2030 nearly one in three cars in China and nearly one in five cars in the EU and the U.S. could be electric. By 2035, this proportion could rise to one in every two cars sold worldwide, according to the IEA.

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Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have developed a hybrid sodium-ion battery that combines the benefits of supercapacitors and improved anode materials. It offers a high energy density of 247 Wh/kg and a power density of 34,748 W/kg, making it a promising alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries. According to the researchers, the combination allows for both high storage capacities and rapid charging and discharging rates.

Meanwhile, in Austria, the MoLIBity research consortium has launched a project aimed at improving the recycling processes for lithium-ion batteries. The goal is to develop a process that allows for the storage and retrieval of key battery data, making disassembly and recycling more efficient. Special attention is being given to the recovery of lithium, a critical material, with recycling expected to be facilitated by a digital product passport starting in 2027. The researchers aim to develop methods for identifying cell chemistry and assessing the quality of the contained black mass, as well as conducting comprehensive discharge and dismantling analyses to determine which information needs to be included in the digital product passport to achieve relevant optimizations in process economics.

(c) IKTS

According to Bloomberg, Amazon has established itself as the largest private operator of EV charging stations in the U.S. With the increasing deliveries of E-delivery vans manufactured by Rivian, of which 13,500 have been delivered so far, Amazon has significantly expanded its charging infrastructure. The retail giant has installed over 17,000 chargers at approximately 120 warehouses across the U.S. within just over two years.

(c) Amazon

In a collaborative effort, LG Electronics and Doosan Robotics have developed a charging robot that autonomously recognizes, authenticates, and charges electric vehicles. This AI-based technology enables precise localization of the charging port and connection of the charging cable. When an electric vehicle enters the designated charging area, a specially installed camera detects the vehicle and sends the information to the charging system. Once the driver is authenticated, an AI-supported 3D camera mounted on the robot pinpoints the exact location of the vehicle’s charging port. The robot then connects the charging cable to the port and begins the charging process. After charging is complete, the robot disconnects the cable, returns it to its place, and processes the automatic payment.

(c) Doosan Robotics

Google has introduced new features in Google Maps specifically designed to make it easier for EV drivers to find charging stations. These updates include detailed navigation to often-hidden EV charging points. Google Maps now also provides an enhanced display of charging stations along routes, incorporating information about available charging spots and charging speeds directly into route planning. These features help EV drivers plan their journeys and make impromptu charging stops more manageable.

(c) Google

Opel has unveiled the new generation of its Grandland SUV model, which for the first time is available as a fully electric vehicle based on the STLA Medium platform of the Stellantis group. The Opel Grandland Electric features a battery of up to 98 kWh, offering a range of up to 700 kilometers and can charge up to 80 percent of its battery capacity in just about 26 minutes.

(c) Opel

The Beijing Auto Show, one of the most significant mobility events alongside IAA MOBILITY, continues until May 5th in Beijing. The event showcased a series of world premieres and innovations. MINI celebrated the world premiere of the MINI Aceman. Volkswagen introduced in China the ID. Code, a concept that exhibits the new design language for China’s electric vehicles and sets new technological standards. Lamborghini presented its first plug-in hybrid super SUV, the Urus SE. Mercedes-Benz unveiled the electric version of the G-Class. Porsche showcased a special China version of the Porsche Taycan and celebrated the market premiere of the electric Macan. Audi expanded its electric lineup with a Q6 e-tron long version specifically for China. Honda launched the Ye series, a new line of electric cars in China. Nissan showcased future visions with new electric sedans and SUVs for China. Zeekr presented the electric van Zeekr Mix. Skoda showcased the design study Skoda Vision Gran Turismo. Smart introduced the concept study Smart Concept #5. And CATL presented an LFP battery with a range of over 1,000 kilometers.

(c) Volkswagen

Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) has presented a ten-point action plan aimed at doubling bicycle usage in Europe and creating over a million new jobs. The plan calls on the EU to invest in cycling infrastructure, facilitate access to bicycles, and promote uniform regulation. These initiatives aim to establish a world-class bicycle industry in Europe and position the continent as a leading player in sustainable mobility.

(c) Cycling Industries Europe

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